The Psychological Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Psychological Center, Center) is a necessary component of education at the university and provides social and psychological assistance to students and staff.

The main goal of the Psychological Center is social and psychological support, support for personal self-determination, formation and development of students, assistance in adaptation of persons with disabilities, prevention and correction of professional deformation of employees.

The main principles of the Psychological Center’s activities:

  • the principle of compliance of the organization and activities of the psychological service with the main modern principles of development of higher education in the Russian Federation (democratization, humanization, individual activity, etc.);
  • the principle of unity of scientific, applied and practical aspects of the functioning of the psychological service in the university;         
  • the principle of an integrative approach in the selection of forms and methods of work – a combination of effective and safe forms and methods of various scientific schools and directions.

Social and psychological assistance is provided by qualified specialists with professional social and psychological and clinical psychological training. Along with specialists, students of the faculty of clinical psychology – members of the “Insight” team – take part in the work of the center. They provide indispensable assistance in conducting professional orientation of schoolchildren and events for social and psychological adaptation of first-year students.

The work of the Psychological Center is carried out in accordance with the “Roadmap” and includes, in addition to individual and group consultations, activities to organize and conduct educational thematic seminars (training sessions) with students and staff; development and implementation of psychological assistance programs for students with disabilities; conducting scientific research and participation in conferences at various levels; campaigns to popularize psychological knowledge and psychoeducation.

The Psychological Center is located in the main building of the university at the address: 121 Bakinskaya St., office 148. The center’s specialists conduct reception daily according to the schedule:

(for students studying in French)
(1st and 3rd Friday of the month – for students studying in English)