Intra-university intellectual game "Masters of Therapy"
asmu 20

On December 3, the Astrakhan State Medical University hosted the intra-university intellectual game “Masters of Therapy”.

Students demonstrated their knowledge and skills in the field of medicine by participating in various competitions in first aid, diagnosis by description, and a quiz.

The first place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Medicine, consisting of:

  • Aubekirov Artur, group 505;
  • Samkova Ksenia, group 505;
  • Arutyunov Vitaly, group 619; 
  • Sokolov Kirill, group 404; 
  • Murzaliev Timur, group 315. 

Second place – team from the pediatric faculty:

  • Konopleva Valeria, group 603;
  • Katakaeva Adelya, group 603;
  • Karaeva Indira, group 304;
  • Zurova Lyudmila, group 502;
  • Mashtakov Il’nur, group 403.

Third place – team from the Faculty of Pediatrics:

  • Krivonosova Ekaterina, group 514;
  • Stepkina Arina, group 514;
  • Dauletova Lyusana, group 626;
  • Silence Natalia, group 303;
  • Stepanova Kristina, group 405.

Congratulations and best wishes for continued success! 

Astrakhan State Medical University - 109th Convocation

On June 27, the Astrakhan Opera and Ballet Theatre hosted a meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 109th graduation of the medical faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical University. The festive event was opened by the rector of the Astrakhan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Olga Aleksandrovna Bashkina.

“ I wish you to continue your studies. In residency, postgraduate studies, in your workplace, because our profession involves continuous learning. I wish you to join work teams that will support you, and when the time comes, you will support your colleagues. I wish you to create families. There will be children in your families, and may our medical education not cease, and someday you will come with your children to enter Astrakhan State Medical University. Be happy, healthy, successful and decent. I congratulate you on this wonderful day! All the best to you ,” Olga Alexandrovna noted.

The graduates were congratulated by the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leondin Anatolyevich Ogul:

“You will remember this day for the rest of your life. Tomorrow you will enter another, adult  life, where you will make diagnoses and be responsible for people’s lives. Always listen to your heart, to your emotions. Be merciful and compassionate – these are the most important qualities inherent in the medical community. I want to wish you to be those doctors about whom patients will always speak well. This is the most important gratitude for a medical worker .” 

Chairman of the final state examination committee of the medical faculty, head of the Federal State Health Institution “Medical and Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Astrakhan Region”, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Shelepov Sergey Nikolaevich noted that graduates of the medical faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical University have good theoretical and professional training. Evidence of this is the high level of practical training demonstrated during the certification process and the high average score. 

Having put on white coats, the students, following Olga Alexandrovna, recited the solemn oath of a doctor, in which they promised to always be ready to provide medical assistance, to protect and develop the noble traditions of medicine, and to honestly fulfill their duty. 

For special achievements in studies, active participation in scientific research work, including repeated presentations at student scientific conferences with reports that won prizes at Olympiads, competitions, student festivals, as well as for active participation in the public life of the university throughout all years of study, 21 graduates of the university were awarded gratitude and included in the Book of Honor of the “Golden Fund of Students of Astrakhan State Medical University”. 

 The dean of the medical faculty, MD, professor Lyudmila Petrovna Voronina, and the head of the department of clinical pharmacology, MD, professor Adelya Ravilievna Umerova addressed the graduates with a welcoming speech and congratulations .

The response was given by a graduate, class leader Polina Sergeeva, who, on behalf of all graduates of the medical faculty of the Astrakhan State Medical University, thanked the faculty for their support, attention, faith and efforts invested in the graduates.

Asadova Sevukhe, a graduate of the medical faculty and regional coordinator of the All-Russian public movement “Volunteers-doctors”, congratulated the graduates and presented letters of gratitude to the coordinators of the areas for their contribution to the development of the Astrakhan regional branch of the All-Russian public movement “Volunteers-doctors”.

Astrakhan State Medical University - 109th Convocation

On October 3, a solemn ceremony of initiation of first-year students of the medical faculty into students was held in the assembly hall of the Astrakhan State Medical University.

The meeting was opened by the rector of the Astrakhan State Medical University, Professor O.A. Bashkina. She congratulated the students on their admission to one of the oldest universities in Russia and noted that the specialties they chose at the first stage of professional education are very important for fulfilling the main task of medical workers – maintaining people’s health.

Following the rector, the first-year students made a solemn promise, and their oath was sealed with the anthem “Gaudeamus igitur”

First and sixth year students also congratulated their future colleagues on taking another step towards their dream of becoming a doctor.

After all the parting words and congratulations, the first-year students received their long-awaited student cards from the hands of the dean.

The presentation of students’ certificates was accompanied by concert numbers prepared by the university’s student creativity center.

Production meetings at the Faculty of Medicine will be held:

For the 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine – August 30, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., in the Assembly Hall of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)

For the 2nd year of the Faculty of Medicine – August 30, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., in the Assembly Hall of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)

For the 3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine – August 30, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., in the Assembly Hall of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)

For the 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine – August 31, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., in Auditorium No. 2 of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)

For the 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine – August 31, 2022, at 9.30 a.m., in Auditorium No. 2 of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)

For the 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine – August 31, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., in Auditorium No. 2 of Academic Building No. 1 (121 Bakinskaya St.)