Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics attended the ballet “The Bronze Horseman”
Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics attended the ballet “The Bronze Horseman”

As part of the patriotic and educational events dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, on February 23, students of the pediatric faculty together with the dean visited the opera and ballet theater, where they watched the ballet “The Bronze Horseman”.
The grandeur of the city on the Neva, which was conveyed by realistic scenery, bright costumes, fiery dances performed by the theater troupe, did not leave our students indifferent. After the end of the performance, the students were unanimous: “We really liked it! We will come again!”

Intra ASMU

On January 30, the Astrakhan State Medical University hosted an intra-university Olympiad “Pediatric Stories”, dedicated to the Day of Russian Science.

Five teams took part in the Olympiad, which included students not only from the pediatric faculty, but also from the medical faculty.

The participants showed their worth by demonstrating medical knowledge in the field of pediatrics and demonstrating their outlook and creative potential in matters of literature and art.

The jury of the competition included employees of the pediatric departments of the Astrakhan State Medical University, who noted the high level of training of the students and especially emphasized the importance of the practical stage, which took place at the Federal Accreditation Center of the Astrakhan State Medical University. Here, the participants were able to demonstrate their clinical skills and the ability to act quickly and correctly in emergency situations.

The winners of the Olympiad were students from the pediatric faculty:

  • 1st place – the team “Baby Vita”, which included Maria Tretyakova, Baty Iskaliyev, Kristina Vinogradova, Denis Danshin, Gachomagomed Magomedov;
  • 2nd place – team “Furious Five” – Indira Karaeva, Adela Katakaeva, Lyudmila Zurova, Ilnur Mashtakov, Daniel Sakhalov;
  • The 3rd place was taken by the team “Consilium”, consisting of Eldar Alibekov, Aminat Aliyeva, Makka Gishlurkayeva, Yana Starkova, Medina Khanayeva.

We congratulate the students and wish them to continue to achieve their goals!

First-year students of the Faculty of Medicine received student cards

Students of the pediatric faculty and the faculty of foreign students spent the weekend usefully. At the Institute for Education Development “Platforma” they watched everyone’s favorite Christmas comedy in English “Home Alone”.

Watching the film in the original not only gave the children a festive mood, but also became an excellent practice of language skills.

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On December 3, the Astrakhan State Medical University hosted the intra-university intellectual game “Masters of Therapy”.

Students demonstrated their knowledge and skills in the field of medicine by participating in various competitions in first aid, diagnosis by description, and a quiz.

The first place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Medicine, consisting of:

  • Aubekirov Artur, group 505;
  • Samkova Ksenia, group 505;
  • Arutyunov Vitaly, group 619; 
  • Sokolov Kirill, group 404; 
  • Murzaliev Timur, group 315. 

Second place – team from the pediatric faculty:

  • Konopleva Valeria, group 603;
  • Katakaeva Adelya, group 603;
  • Karaeva Indira, group 304;
  • Zurova Lyudmila, group 502;
  • Mashtakov Il’nur, group 403.

Third place – team from the Faculty of Pediatrics:

  • Krivonosova Ekaterina, group 514;
  • Stepkina Arina, group 514;
  • Dauletova Lyusana, group 626;
  • Silence Natalia, group 303;
  • Stepanova Kristina, group 405.

Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!