Acting Rector
Poroysky Sergey Viktorovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Main building, 1st floor, office 129
tel.: 8(8512) 66-94-80
e-mail: rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- Licensing, Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority
- Information Technology and Digital Security Directorate
- Department of Public and Information Security
- Department of accounting, economics, financial activities
- Human Resources and Records Management
- Contract service
- Legal Department
- Media Center
- History Center
- Special part

Acting Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work
Popov Evgeniy Antonovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Outpatient Care and Emergency Medical Care
Main building, 1st floor, office 134a
tel.: 8(8512) 51-79-95
e-mail: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- Faculties, deans’ offices
- Management of educational programs
- Methodological department
- Department of Educational Process Support
- Department of Industrial Internship
- Educational linguistic center
- Department of Educational Work
- Center for pre-university training and career guidance

Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Work
Samotrueva Marina Aleksandrovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy,
Main building, 1st floor, office 130
tel.: 8 (8512) 66-94-87
e-mail: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
- Technology and Innovation Support Center
- Scientific and organizational department
- Scientific library
- Dissertation Council
- Research center
- Youth Project Office
- Editorial and publishing department

Acting Vice-Rector for Medical Work and Development of Regional Healthcare
Kostenko Nikolay Vladimirovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Main building, 1st floor, office 131
tel.: 8 (8512) 52-36-59, 1-50
e-mail: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- University Clinic
- Department of analytical and methodological work
- Professor’s Clinic
- Project office

Acting Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education
Shapovalova Marina Aleksandrovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Healthcare Management
Main building, 1st floor, office 108
tel.: 8(8512) 66-94-86
e-mail: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- Career Center
- Dean’s Office of Postgraduate Education
- Alumni Association
- Residency Department
- Department of additional professional education for medical and pharmaceutical workers

Acting Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Bashkina Olga Alexandrovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics
Address: 414000, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya St., 121.
Phone: +7(8512)66-96-13
Email: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- International Department
- Department of International Communications and Academic Mobility
- Department of medical and insurance support for foreign students
- Passport and Visa Service Department
- Dean’s Office of the FIS

Acting Vice-Rector for Development of the Property Complex and Administrative and Economic Work
Bryakin Nikolay Nikolaevich
Main building, 1st floor, office 109
tel.: 8(8512) 51 – 00 -31
email: vice-rector@astrasmu.com
Departments and divisions
- Building Repair and Maintenance Department
- Property Relations Department
- Scientific and educational complex