The polyclinic of the Astrakhan State Medical Academy was organized in 2013 with the purpose of conducting medical examinations of students and employees of the university, as well as providing outpatient and polyclinic care in licensed specialties.
In addition to outpatient appointments, in subsequent years a day hospital, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, and a dental clinic were organized.
In 2020, the Polyclinic of the Astrakhan State Medical University was transformed into a Multidisciplinary Medical Clinical Center (MMCC), and in 2023 – into a University Clinic.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the MMCC laboratory was included in the routing for PCR diagnostics of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and provided diagnostic assistance to city clinics.
Teams were formed from the MMCC staff and students to provide outpatient care to COVID-19 patients, an Outpatient Center was organized to provide primary health care to the adult population with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and a diagnosis of COVID-19 on the basis of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Arkhangelsk Region “City Polyclinic No. 8”, which provided assistance during the most difficult period of mass spread of the infection.
The transformation of the University Clinic is connected with the deployment of care in new areas of the former laboratory building, which made it possible to optimize patient routing, develop hospital-replacing technologies and join in the provision of care under the state guarantees program of compulsory medical insurance, using the great potential of the university in providing specialized outpatient care in “deficient” narrow medical specialties.
Currently, primary specialized care is licensed in obstetrics and gynecology, allergology and immunology; gastroenterology; hematology; dermatovenereology; dietetics; proctology; medical statistics; neurology; healthcare organization and public health, epidemiology; otolaryngology; ophthalmology; occupational pathology; psychiatry; psychiatry-narcology; pulmonology; therapeutic dentistry; traumatology and orthopedics; ultrasound diagnostics; urology; functional diagnostics; surgery; endocrinology; as well as care in a day hospital setting.
The University Clinic conducts medical examinations (preliminary and periodic), medical and physical education commissions, laboratory diagnostics, and provides medical care to the population in certain areas in the compulsory medical insurance system and on a contractual basis.
One of the priorities is the development of advisory medical care for patients in the region, neighboring regions and Caspian states using telemedicine technologies with the participation of the university’s faculty.