At all times, among all peoples of the world, physical and mental health has been and is an enduring value of man and society. Even in ancient times, it was understood by doctors and philosophers as the main condition for the free activity of man, his perfection.
The charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not merely the absence of disease and physical defects, but a state of complete social and spiritual well-being.
Being healthy is a natural desire of every person. Health is not only a biological concept, but also a social one. Good health is a joyful perception of life, high working capacity.
The main problems of modern man are the lack of compensation of stress by physical activity (hypodynamia, hypokinesia); disruption of the body’s natural biorhythms associated with the nature of work or an unhealthy lifestyle; poor nutrition.
A healthy lifestyle is a person’s established way of organizing the production, everyday and cultural aspects of life, which allows one to realize one’s creative potential to one degree or another.
The role of the university is to introduce students to the values of physical education and a healthy lifestyle, to introduce health-preserving practices and active health and preventive work into the life of the university.
The University has approved and is implementing the “Program for the Development of Education in the Education System of Astrakhan State Medical University”, on the basis of which comprehensive plans for educational work are being developed.
The success of the organization of educational work in the university, the effectiveness of the application of organizational and managerial measures can be assessed by the following indicators: the image of the university; the competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market; the educational potential of the courses; the number of students covered by research work; the degree of adaptation of first-year students to university life; the level of general culture and good manners; the number of students focused on a healthy lifestyle, activities in creative associations, sports sections; the number of deviations (offenses, drug addiction, venereal diseases, AIDS, etc.); satisfaction with the university, psychological comfort of students.
The program for educational work at the university is considered as a single element in the education system and is the second stage of further improvement of educational work at the university.
Nomination No. 1